Online games make minus eyes for those who play online games for too long – Indonesia is a country that has a lot of online games circulating, where it can be proven that almost all people or citizens know about this online game.
Games are something that is very popular at this time, where many Indonesians who play games ranging from students to adults who are already working. The game is divided into 2 kinds, where it is an online game and an offline game. Whether it’s an online game or an offline game, it has many loyal players of its own.
A player is someone who really plays the games, you could even say that the player chooses to spend a lot of time playing the game.
Even though they have their own players, of course online games are games that are very much in demand in general at this time. In fact, it is not uncommon for people to get negative effects from online games, namely online games make minus eyes.
There are still a lot of negative effects that can be caused by online games, including online games make money run out, online games make learning lazy, online games make children less sociable.
For online games, there are many kinds that are currently in great demand by the public, including PUBG, Mobile Legend, Gensin Impact and many other types of games. Many are willing to spend their time just to play games. In fact, many students play games more often than study, of course, this cannot be left for too long.
Because it is not impossible because they play games too often, future generations from Indonesia will be the backward generation.
Because as it is already known that the obligation of a student is to learn not to play online games, which of course can make students lazy to study. They think that playing games is more important than studying
Are you aware that online games make minus eyes? Let’s see
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Online games make minus eyes

Online games make minus eyes happen because someone has played this game for too long. As we all know, the ultraviolet light emitted by laptops, computers, and smartphones for a long time will have a bad effect on players’ eyes. This ultraviolet light is what makes the eyes minus, and of course this light must be avoided by not staring at the smartphone screen for too long.
The only way is to limit you in playing games so you don’t stare at the ultraviolet rays for too long. Of course, according to the opinion of experts, that limiting the time in playing games will make us healthier.
In addition, just like gambling, online games can also make money run out. If in gambling people run out of money due to betting, then in online games someone runs out of money because they use the money to improve their character. Of course, these two things must also be avoided by the community.
Compared to gambling, the actual losses caused by online games are not too big. The effects and disadvantages of playing online games can only be that online games make minus eyes and don’t spend too much money.
Therefore, never approach gambling if you don’t want your life to be destroyed, such as domino gambling, qiu qiu gambling, online slot lists at games 138 and others. So don’t ever approach gambling if you don’t want your life to fall apart.
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